Monday, August 1, 2011

Mount Si Craziness

Hiking EIGHT STEEP MILES after not working out the whole week before is not the smartest thing to do. But, Kyan and his scouts were training for their backpacking trip so I decided to join them. We Hiked Mount Si on Saturday. The boys carried their 30 pound packs and Kyan carried Samuel. With Samuel and the carrier combined, it adds up to a little over 30 pounds (crazy huh!). I just carried my little backpack with water and snacks. That mountain is not forgiving. It's strait up for 4 miles and just as bad or worse on the way down (It kills your knees).

Samuel was amazing in his pack. He took his morning nap, ate his snacks and jibber jabbered along the way. It was so beautiful when we finally got to the top. Wow, what a sight! I love hiking, even if it means I'll be sore for the next few days.

 Samuel actually got his morning nap in while hiking. He slept for a good 30 minutes.

Samuel is trying to attack me with his chewed up, messy, juicy orange hands.

 This is Mt. Rainier. You could see so far out from the top of Mt. Si. It was beautiful.

 Okay, so I did pack Samuel for about 2 miles on the way down. But, my knees were hurting too bad so Kyan had to carry him the rest of the way. Thanks Babe! :)

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